sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Easter in Guatemala

Easter is the most important celebration in Guatemala, a country with strong Christian traditions. The entire country waits anxiously for this time of year to show it’s devotion and to participate in the Easter events. The celebrations are a fusion of Mayan and Spanish traditions that remark the sorrow of the Christ’s passion, death and resurrection.
During Easter, Guatemala is filled with smells of all kind. The gastronomy prepared just for the holy week include Spanish fish dishes, vegetables with vinegar, desserts made with bread and honey and fresh beverages of hibiscus or rice. All the Guatemalan food prepared in Easter has a meaning, from the sorrow and mourning of Christ death to the joy of resurrection.
Even the trees and flowers seem glad to be in Easter. The warm weather of the season makes the flowers bloom, the whole country is full of colors everywhere. The most important traditions during the Easter’s 40 days are the floats, a tradition brought to Guatemala from Andalucia, Spain.
The processions are held throughout the country and thousands of people participates in them, which makes it the biggest Easter celebration of the world. The devotion of the Guatemalan people is also represented inside the churches, where the “huertos” are made for Jesus. These are sawdust carpets decorated with flowers and fruits.

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